Latest Past Events

Encouragement Devotional/Prayers – TONIGHT @ 7:00pm

WHAT:  Encouragement Devotional/Prayers SPEAKER:  Calvin Ossai WHEN:  Monday , April 6 at 7:00pm WHERE:  Strathmore Radio (Mixlr) - -         then click ‘Strathmore COC Chat Room is on Mixlr – Click here’ -         then login, or set up username/password to access the site This will be a LIVE BROADCAST.  If you have any prayer requests, you can type it […]

Encouragement Devotional/Prayers – Thurs, April 2 @ 7:00pm

WHAT:  Encouragement Devotional/Prayers SPEAKER:  Williams Diogu WHEN:  Thursday , April 2 at 7:00pm WHERE:  Strathmore Radio (Mixlr) - -         then click ‘Strathmore COC Chat Room is on Mixlr – Click here’ -         then login, or set up username/password to access the site This will be a LIVE BROADCAST.  If you have any prayer requests, you can type it […]

Online Bible Study Wednesday Night at 7:00pm

Bible Study by online OR over the phone:  Option 1: Join Zoom Meeting Step 1: click Step 2: Meeting ID: 862 860 698 Option 2: One tap mobile (i.e. audio only from your cell phone) Step 1: From your mobile phone, click +16473744685,,862860698# Option 3: Landline by your location Step 1: Dial  +1 647 374 […]