e-Transfer for Member Contributions
Members of the Strathmore Blvd. Church of Christ now have the option to send their contributions and/or donations by an interac email transfer to the following email address:
For our proper record keeping and for tax receipt purposes, please make sure that in the “Message” section of your interac e-transfer you provide:
1 – Your envelope number.
2 – If you don’t have an envelope number then provide your name.
3 – How you want your contribution to be allocated.
– Weekly Giving
– C.A.M. (Centro America Mission)
– Haiti Mission
– Haiti Orphanage (OPH)
– Key To The Kingdom
– Other (Please specify)
How do you send money with Interac e-Transfer?
You need your own account with a participating bank or credit union.
To Send money with Interac e-Transfer follow these easy-to-use instructions:
1.- Log into your online or mobile banking app and select the account.
2.- Choose or add your recipient’s email address.
3.- Enter the amount
(no security question is needed as we are registered for Interac e-Transfer® Autodeposit).